This section will guide you through configuring your redacted-compatible Kubernetes cluster, regardless of cloud provider.
You will:
- Create and apply your
- Apply or install the secret
- For offline clusters only, modify your Kubernetes cluster to meet offline specifications.
Create requirements
All redacted deployments need the same requirements.yml
file, regardless of your cloud provider.
The requirements.yml
file will create two service accounts on the redacted-common
with cluster-admin
with its related ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding
Create requirements.yml file
Create your requirements.yml
with the code exactly as it appears below.
The requirements.yml
file appears here in the guide.
Apply requirements.yml file
Run the following command to apply your `requirements.yml` file:
kubectl apply -f requirements.yml
Apply or install secret redacted-docker-config
Redacted Docker images are pulled from a private registry that requires credentials. The credentials should have been provided to you.
Apply the secret
If you receive the credentials in a Kubernetes secret file, apply the secret to your cluster by running the following kubectl
kubectl apply -n redacted-common -f redacted-docker-config.yaml
Install the secret
If you receive a username and password, install the secret by running the following `kubectl` command:
kubectl create secret docker-registry -n redacted-common redacted-docker-config \
--docker-server={registry server} \ <1>
--docker-username={username} \ <2>
--docker-password={password} <3>
- Replace
{registry server}
with the Docker repository hosting redacted images.
- Replace
with the username provided to you.
- Replace
with the password provided to you.
Finally, edit the default service account to reference the `redacted-docker-config` secret by running the following `kubectl` command:
kubectl patch serviceaccount -n redacted-common default -p '{"imagePullSecrets":[{"name" : "redacted-docker-config"}]}'
Offline cluster specifications
When your Kubernetes cluster is not connected to the Internet, you'll install redacted in offline mode.
For offline installation, you need to manage your own Docker registry containing images of the redacted product as well as redacted technologies. This section of documentation will guide you through uploading the resources to your registry and installing the repository in your cluster.
IMPORTANT: Redacted will provide the archives of the Docker images needed to run your platform, as well as the technologies.
Upload Docker images
To upload the Docker images in your registry, you need:
- A machine with access to your Docker registry
archives provided by redacted (product and technologies)
- Command line tool
installed on your machine (refer to Install Skopeo)
- Credentials to push images into the registry (if any)
Upload redacted product archive
Once you meet these requirements, complete the following steps to upload your Docker images.
- First, run the following command to decompress the archive:
untar xvf {product-tar-archive}
where {product-tar-archive} is the file name of the redacted product tar archive provided.
- Next, if you need to require authentication, configure the user and password to connect to your registry using
skopeo login
(refer to Skopeo login).
- Finally, run the following command in the decompressed archive to launch the image upload:
./ {registry}
where {registry} is the hostname of your Docker registry.
Upload redacted technologies archive
The process is the same as for the redacted technologies tar archive
NOTE: If you configured authentication on this machine when uploading the first tar archive
, you will not need to configure it again.
- Run the following command to decompress the archive:
untar xvf {technologies-tar-archive}
where {technologies-tar-archive} is the file name of the redacted technologies tar archive provided.
- If you need to require authentication, configure the user and password to connect to your registry using
skopeo login
(refer to Skopeo login).
- Run the following command in the decompressed archive to launch the image upload:
./ {registry}
where {registry} is the hostname of your Docker registry.
Install technology repository
The repository containing your technologies needs be installed manually in your cluster.
TIP: Refer to the redacted SDK documentation (link removed) for more information about adding technologies.
- Copy the path to the `` file (link removed) that contains your technologies.
- Run the following `redactedctl` command to install the repository in your cluster:
./bin/redactedctl upload technologies --file {technologies-file}
where {technologies-file} is the path to your file.